Q. You brought it to him. And what was his reaction when he experienced it?
A. He was happy with that. He started laughing and was, like "Awesome!" He also told me that the time period between those ages are when the sense of touch develops the most in the fingertips. His comment gave me better ideas in developing this project.
Q. How did that make you feel?
A. It made me so happy. This is the first product that I have created that his impressions gave me stronger belief in myself and also a passion to develop this product better.
Q. Is there an opportunity to replicate this? It seems so hand-crafted right now, which is great, as they have so much personality. But, how will you make more?
A. If I have a chance, then I would definitely want to make more, but since this was my Graduate school thesis project and I graduated two months ago it’s hard to find time to develop this further. I will definitely find time to develop this more in the near future.
Q. You're a recent college graduate? so... where are you now?
A. I'm a UI/UX (User interface/ User experience designer) at Amazon.
Q. Let's talk more your inspiration, your uncle. Is he blind?
A. No.
Q. So that gave you the original awareness around this issue. Have you done other things to help different communities?
A. Well, the fact that my uncle has disability gave me the original awareness around helping the disabled people. To help them, I have volunteered to help seniors and handicapped people since my childhood.
Q. And it's all because of your uncle?
A. Somewhat.. thinking about him gave me an initial idea to develop something for people with disabilities. I was very careful coming up with ideas and executing them so I could come up with a project that can help people with visual impairment. I imagined the smiles on the faces of the children playing with my prototypes. I researched endlessly for one year and I feel the lack of studies on visually impaired people. All my hard work was paid off when I visited the center for the visually impaired and saw the children having fun playing with HugMatch. I was truly happy.
Q. What’s something that's seen as being impossible now, but that you would want to make not impossible?
A. A world experienced through your heart with your eyes closed and ears opened, We can make something not impossible. Studying and creating something you have never experienced can not be accomplished without a passion. I was faced with many challenges when I first started this project. But what fueled my passion was trying to seek what I could do to help after visiting and meeting people from schools and societies for the blind. I hope HugMatch can play a role in supporting anyone who decides to deliver a project for people with disabilities.
Q. To help them find other people, bring them into relationships?
A. Yes, It's should be better than alone. I would like to help more than ten, more than a hundred people.